30 Oktober 2013

1.1 Problem description
This case study comprises an electronic examining system. A teacher makes use of the system to give an examination to her/his students. We assume that creating an examination is a separate task performed out of the scope of the examining system. This system should be made available on the web, so that both the teacher and the students have remote access to it. 
A teacher creates a test and stores this test into a test repository. Afterwards the teacher can assign this test to a group of students. There can be different types of tests but all of them must have a deadline defined by the teacher. So, for example the teacher may propose an examination in which the students are requested to write an essay about a certain subject or to solve some questions. The former activity may take several days to be completed while the latter may take only a limited number of minutes. The teacher also evaluates a student’s test answer by attaching comments and grading it.
When a student access the system, this student can consult his/her personal profile and do a test. A student personal profile contains his/her personal information, the list of tests to be done and the answers, grades and comments of completed tests. A student does a test by submitting the answers for this test. Once an answer is submitted it can not be resubmitted. All the student personal profiles are stored in a profile repository, however the access of a student is limited to his/her personal profile.
1.2 Problem modelling
This section reports the results of case study modelling activities. Each of the following subsections presents some of the results of these activities, viz., requirements capturing and analysis. The complete UML documentation of this case study can be found in Fig below. The development of this case study was performed making use of Rational Rose as a modelling support tool.
1.3 Requirements capturing
The requirements of the electronic examining system were captured by means of a use case diagram according to the following steps:
1. Identification of the actors;
2. Identification of the use cases;
3. Description of each use case.

16 Oktober 2013


User : 

example activity of user : 



 New post on Blogspot done if we want to post or publish our writing. Sense of the word are writing posts and display the results writing / articles / our work on the blog. Commonly called New Entries or New Entry or a new post. Once we've made ​​a blog, of course, a new blog, the next step is to post post / article us.

The steps or How to Start a New Post in Blogspot is as follows.

1. Open up your blog account
2. On your blog dashboard, look for Icon / Create New Entry sign, usually is shaped pencil drawing
3. Start writing something in the field provided.
4. After the writing is done, then do the above caption.
5. Do not forget to fill yah title as the post title is the name of your post link when it is confident in the published

 1.    Kunjungi http://blogger.com
2.    Setelah itu kita harus Login dengan Email dan Password anda
3.    Pada Dasbor Blogger, klik icon kertas
4.    Arahkan pointer mouse ke Judul Artikel yang telah dibuat, klik Edit
5.    setelah selesai mengedit, klik Perbarui

 1. to update our post entry must first edit and then click update

1. after we completed a series of new entries
2. click on the publish button
3. then click the "view blog"

1. after we finished making a series of new entry,
2. we can menghaps post by clicking on the delete button
3. then okay then it will be updated and deleted posts


How to fill the profile on blogger.Blogger Profile is one of our means to provide information to the reader about us (the blog owner) so that readers learn more information blog.dan owner while the steps are:
1. Enter the user name (user name) and password for Login (sign in) to the blogger.
2. Once you sign in there is going to be on the blogger dashboard at the top of the dash right next to you, will show your user name and click on the black arrow and then select blogger profile
3. After performing step 2 it will show your profile page and select edit profile on the right side
4. Next will open the edit profile page the user (user profile), and fill out the form according to what you want See the pictures below (the actual image is not separated (one page)).
5. After you fill out all parts of the form click save profile edit profile on the bottom left of the page
6. Finished edit profile.


To view the profile contents we can immediately see on the home screen blogspot us, or we can directly open the blogger profile to see more complete data.


How to edit an existing profile data is already open display unallocated profile click edit and edit any information that you want to edit, then click save.

  If you want to update your profile data can be done by entering the blogger profile and edit profile there already exist in your data, then you add the personal data that you wish to update after that save and to look at the profile view profie blogger.


To delete the data profile, you must first log into blogger and click on edit profile then you can erase any data that you want to delete and then click save and then view profile


If you choose to enable comments, visitors to your blog will have the option to respond to your published posts. Blogger supports threaded commenting which means we display comments such that a reader can more easily differentiate between whether someone is making a general comment on the thread, or responding to another comment on the thread. Single-level comments will always be displayed chronologically.
Enabling comments
To enable comments, click on Settings from the drop-down menu on your Dashboard, then go to the area for posts and comments.

There, you'll see all the settings to manage your comments.
Comment location: Select "Embedded" if you'd like to enable threaded commenting.
Comment form message: Add a message to your readers who click to comment on your blog. Some bloggers like to include a little thank-you note, or details about how they tend to follow-up with comments.
Enabling comments on a post-by-post basis
If you don't want your comment settings to be blog-wide, you can click on the menu on the right side of the Post Editor to set post-specific comment settings. Here you can choose among three options: Allow; Don't allow, hide existing; Don't allow, show existing.

An administrator of a team blog has access to the blog's settings and template, as well as the ability to edit and delete posts made by other members of the blog. Additionally, they can add or remove other team members. Any number of members can have admin rights on a single blog.
When you invite a team member to join a blog and they accept your invitation, they are listed as an "Author" by default. Authors can only create and edit their own posts. You can see a member's status in the "Permissions" section of the Settings | Basic tab, and it looks like this:
To change an author into an admin, you can use the drop-down menu next to that author's name. If there's only one admin member of a blog, it's not possible to revoke that person's admin rights.



When we would do the comments into account other user bloggers we must first log into gmail or go to our blogspot account. after we account identified then we can go into the last post on the post there is a comment taken botton then click the button that read the comments and then we can immediately write coment us after that click send, coment our blog we can also delete by clicking our coment then click the delete button, then automatically our comments will be deleted.

24 September 2013


PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk berdiri pada tahun 1995 di Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Cikarang,. Untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen yang terus meningkat, PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk lantas mengembangkan usahanya dengan mendirikan pabrik di Pasuruan pada tahun 2005. Pesatnya peningkatan jumlah produksi di pabrik Kawasan Jababeka membuat PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk kembali membangun pabrik Sari Roti pada tahun 2008 yang juga berlokasi di Kawasan Industri Jababeka Cikarang. Kemudian disusul dengan pembangunan pabrik di Semarang dan Medan pada tahun 2011. Struktur organisasi di PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk dipimpin oleh seorang presiden direktur, direktur, direktur operasional yang membawahi berbagai divisi yang dipimpin oleh seorang manager yang dibantu oleh  supervisor. Divisi-divisi tersebut yaitu divisi  Product Development and Quality Assurance (PDQA), divisi Human Resourches and Development  (HRD), divisi Finance and Accounting, divisi Plant, divisi Sales and Marketing, dan divisi Supply Chain  Management (SCM).
Beragam varian roti Sari Roti dengan bermacam rasa yang terdiri dari Roti Tawar, Roti Manis Isi, Roti Krim, Roti Sobek, Roti Burger & Plain Roll, Chiffon Cake diproduksi di pabrik Sari Roti dengan menggunakan teknologi terbaik dan modern dengan mengedepankan prinsip 3H, yaitu Halal, Hygienic, Healthy. Roti dengan bahan baku terigu , gula , dan margarin ini memegang komitmen dengan prinsip 3H dalam menyediakan produk-produk yang berkualitas dan aman, PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk pada tahun 2006 telah mendapatkan sertifikat HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) yaitu sertifikat jaminan keamanan pangan. PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk juga memiliki unit pengembangan produk untuk menghasilkan produk sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat.
Lini produksi roti tawar di PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo memiliki tipe tata letak produk (product layout) yang menyesuaikan susunan tata letak berdasarkan urutan proses produksinya dengan lini pengerjaan yang berbentuk garis lurus (straight line shape). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan Analisys Relationship Chart diperlukan perubahan susunan pada departemen Raw Material  dan  Mixing  dengan tingkat keterkaitan aktivitas berdasarkan urutan aliran kerja; efisiensi jarak, waktu, dan kerja; suhu, bising; tingkat kenyamanan; kemudahan melakukan pengawasan; dan adanya komunikasi/kontrol kertas kerja.  Nilai  Total Closeness Rating  tertinggi yaitu pada departemen  Packing (176), diikuti departemen Crating (168), Mixing (165), Oven (164), Raw Material (92) dan Finish Good (87). Perubahan susunan dilakukan dalam rangka pengefisienan waktu, jarak, dan biaya perpindahan bahan kemasan dari departemen  Raw Material menuju departemen Packing yang relatif jauh.
 keunggulan produk yang dihasilkan :
·         Sudah memiliki 5 pabrik yang tersebar (cikarang , pasuruan , semarang dan medan )
·         Memiliki beragam varian produk yang terdiri dari roti tawar , roti manis isi , roti cream , roti sobek , roti burge  & plain roll , chiffon cake
·         Berhasil meraih top brand award dan top brand kids award di tahun 2009-2011 sebagai produk favorit masyarakat Indonesia
·         Mampu memproduksi 1.820.928 roti/hari  dengan fasilitas yang berkualitas tinggi
·         Memiliki sistem pengwasan mutu Control Point dan critical control point dan juga memperoleh sertifikat jaminan mutu keamanan pangan
·         Memakai SAP sebagai software
·         Ratio kewajiban terhadap ekuitas masih sangat rendah yaitu sebesar 0,2 yag memungkinkan perusahaan untuk lebih leluasa melakukan peminjaman
·         Memperoleh sertifikat halal

Kelemahan produk :
·         Masih sulit untuk mendistribusikan produk untuk menjangkau daerah daerah  selain kota besar yang dekat dengan pabrik karena masa kadaluarsa yang singkat
·         Karena masa kadaluarsa yang sikat meningkatkan terjadinya pengembalian produk
·         Aktifikas distribusi memiliki intnsits yang tinggi mengingat produk tidak tahan lama

Metode tebaik yang harus digunakan adalah metode EOQ , karena :
·         Permintaan dikenal dan deterministik, yaitu konstan.
·         Lead time, yaitunt. waktu antara penempatan pesanan dan penerimaan pesanan diketahui dan konstan.
·         Penerimaan persediaan sesaat. Dengan kata lain persediaan dari pesanan tiba dalam satu batch pada satu titik waktu.
·         Jumlah diskon yang tidak mungkin, dengan kata lain tidak ada bedanya berapa banyak kita pesan, harga produk akan tetap sama. (Untuk Model-EOQ Dasar)
·         Bahwa biaya yang hanya berkaitan dengan model persediaan adalah biaya menempatkan pesanan dan biaya memegang atau menyimpan persediaan dari waktu ke waktu EOQ adalah jumlah pesanan, sehingga biaya pemesanan + biaya tercatat menemukan minimum
Sistem informasi yang digunakan adalah SAP .NIC memilih mengikuti SAP Best Practices karena dinilai mampu mempercepat proses perubahan tersebut. Kelengkapan praktik terbaik di industri, manfaat langsung dari implementasi, total biaya kepemilikan dan tingkat pengembalian investasi serta risiko yang rendah juga menhadi pertimbangan perusahaan tersebut. Dimana user yang terlibat adalah vendor , costumer , dan stock .
Produk sari roti ini adalah salah satu brand roti terkenal di Indonesia , dimana sudah adanya cabang-cabang perusahaan yang tersebar di 5 kota berbeda . hal ini menyebabkan perusahaan ini sudah harus memiliki sistem informasi yang terintegrasi dengan ke 5 cabang pabrik yang tersedia dimana mereka sudah memakai sistem SAP .
Sebaiknya untuk metode perhitungan costing perusahaan ini memakai metode EOQ yang mana perusahaan sudah bisa menentukan quantity yang akan diproduksi , dan mengurangi total kerugian produk dikarenakan produk yang memiliki masa kadaluarsa yang relative cepat .

19 September 2013

The future Technology ,Check this out !!!!

technology __ by wikipedia


From www.wikipedia.com, the free encyclopedia

Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, and information technology.
The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons.
Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of Earth's environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms.
Philosophical debates have arisen over the present and future use of technology in society, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or worsens it. Neo-Luddism, anarcho-primitivism, and similar movements criticise the pervasiveness of technology in the modern world, opining that it harms the environment and alienates people; proponents of ideologies such as transhumanism and techno-progressivism view continued technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition. Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of technology was restricted only to human beings, but recent scientific studies indicate that other primates and certain dolphin communities have developed simple tools and learned to pass their knowledge to other generations.